stranded chords (by agnes carlsson)

Found at: stranded chords by agnes carlsson                Key; F (modulets to F# last refrein) 

//-// = 1 bar = 4/4

Refrein 1 and 2; Stranded, feeling for you...

Bbmaj7 Am7 // F // Bbmaj7 Am7 // F // Bbmaj7 Am7 // Dm7sus D79 // Gm7sus // F

Vers1; Such a buitiful...

Bbmaj7 Am7 // F // Bbmaj7 Am7 // F // BBmaj Am7 // F // BBmaj Am7 // F

Vers2; Paintet pictures...

Dm7 // Dm7/Db // Dm7/C // Dm7/Bb A7 // Dm7 // Dm7/Db // Dm7 Gm7 // C713 // 

Bridge; I never thought...

Bbsus13 // Bb // Bbm // Bb // Em7b5 A7 // Dm7 Gm7 // C7 // C#7 //

Refrein 3 (tonality raised a half step throug the rest of the song)

Bmaj7 A#m7 // F# // Bmaj7 A#m7 // F#maj7 // Bmaj7 A#m7 // D#m7sus D#79 // G#m7sus // F#

remember the importens of voicings in this case, no stacking chords!
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